Best Parenting Tips

Best Parenting Tips

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Evaluate Your Parenting Skills

Life is what you make it, so lets make it work.

Do a self-evaluation of your present effectiveness as a godly loving parent; you might be surprised that you are doing a much better than you think. Let’s look at your role as a loving parent. Rate yourself using a scale of 0-10, 0 being poor and 10 being best. 
A loving parent will be active in his or her child’s life: this means that you are not a passive aggressive dad. I see that a lot with fathers that are on child support, they allow anger and bad emotions to take over their true feelings. Rather, you should be an active parent who seeks to be involved in the child life; you should be proactive about initiating such involvement.
A loving parent who makes time to be with his or her kids: time is a scarce commodity for most moms and dads, how much time do you spend each week being with your kids. Do you make time to be with them or do you just give them whatever is left over, if there is any?
A loving parent engages his or her children in conversation: ask your kid(s) open ended questions which will create two way conversations. Ask questions about his or her thoughts, feelings, emotions, and desires. Also, as the parent, it is crucial that you are willing to share your own emotions in order to build intimacy.
A loving parent plays with his or her children: This can be a very joyful thing to do. In my family, we play soccer together; serve together, run 5ks, dance and volunteer.
A loving parent teaches his or her kids values: teach your kids the things that you value such as: hard work, honesty, kindness, compassion, to have faith in God…anything that you think is important in life.
Now, after you are done with that evaluation, take a look at your total score and be honest about the areas of improvement and strengthen the areas where you are already doing well.

Best of luck!